Delivery & Returns
Delivery is free in France and European Union countries
Please note that free delivery does not apply to custom-made products.
Transporting your package
Packages are generally shipped within 3 business days after receiving your payment. They are shipped by our carriers and delivered by truck to your home.
In all cases, we (or our carrier) will call you to arrange a delivery time with you; usually half or full day.
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday.
Shipping costs include packaging, handling and postage. They may contain a fixed part and a variable part depending on the price or weight of your order. We advise you to combine your purchases into a single order. We cannot combine two separate orders placed separately, and you will be responsible for paying shipping costs for each order. Particular care is taken with packages containing fragile products.
Return condition
If a product or item received does not give you complete satisfaction, you can of course return it free of charge.
You have 100 days to make a return, from the date of receipt of your package. If you return your package within 100 days of receipt, you have the choice between an exchange, a credit or a refund. In the latter case, we will reimburse you within 30 days (from the date of receipt of your item at your place of delivery).
Return acceptance conditions
Generally speaking, returned products must be in perfect resalable condition, folded in their original packaging with all accessories.
Are there any exceptions?
In general, and in accordance with the law, we ask our customers to return their items in conditions allowing us to relist them for sale.
Return address: